Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Day 24

Day 24 – Thursday May 17th

A – Today’s reading of the day is James Chapter 4 (New American Standard (NAS) for me.)
Focal verse today is James 4:17 “Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.”
B – RHEMA Strike Verse of the day: 2 Samuel 10:12 “Be strong, and let us show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people and for the cities of our God, and may the LORD do what is good in His sight.”    (Courage/Purple)

C – Excerpt from “Wild at Heart” by John Eldridge:
“These men knew they were at war, yet they refused to act like it.  They lived in a dangerous denial – a denial that not only endangered them but countless others who depended on them to do their part.”

D – Today’s input:  Ah, the proverbial fence.  We’ve all heard the story about sitting on the fence being lukewarm. God says that we would either be hot or be cold.  I know that there are times within my own thoughts and even my actions where I fit right in with James 4:17.  Usually starts with a thought of “a little won’t hurt” and BOOM I’m caught red handed.  What happens is we get distracted and lose our focus.  Not keeping our focus on Him and the promise given in James 1:12.  Here are three other verses I’ll let you look up on your own and think about: Luke 12:47, John 9:41, and 2 Peter 2:21.

E – Today’s prayer focus: Pray that we will allow God to work on us and ask for help in avoiding the distractions.

F – Encouragement and closing thoughts:  We live in the flesh and we have to deal with the flesh, but there is hope in the Father and he is always there to help.  Turn from your sin and He will be there IMMEDIATELY.


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